United Reformed Church

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Church Related Community Work

Find out how your church can have a positive impact on the local community by becoming a Church Related Community Work (CRCW) project

Two people setting up toys on a table

What is Church Related Community Work?

Find out more about Church Related Community Work (CRCW) and how it can help your church have a positive impact on the local community

Two people digging an allotment plot

Become a Church Related Community Work project

Find out what your church needs to do to become a Church Related Community Work project

People at a street party

Celebrating 30 years of Church Related Community Work

Watch our video and see how CRCW projects have helped support local communities

Three people helping at a food kitchen

Community funding opportunities

A list of organisations offering funding and grants for community projects

People sat around tables enjoying a hot drink and a chat

Useful organisations

A list of organisations providing resources, advice and training opportunities to support Church Related Community Work

Related content

Become a CRCW

Guidance and advice for those who are thinking about becoming a Church Related Community Worker

United Reformed Church