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Become a Church Related Community Work project

Find out what you need to do if you’re interested in becoming a Church Related Community Work (CRCW) project and who to contact for more information.

First steps

  • Ask your synod office or the CRCW office (see below) to send details.
  • Arrange a meeting between the CRCW Development Worker and your church/synod representatives to discuss the funding application process.
  • Complete the application with the assistance of the CRCW Development Worker.
  • Submit the application to the CRCW Programme Sub-committee for accreditation. This process, which involves detailed research and assessment, can take between six and 18 months.
Two people digging an allotment plot

A vacancy for a CRCW will be declared once your application has been accredited as a CRCW project.

URC CRCW Project in the Community

Further information

Please contact your synod office or the CRCW Development Worker, Steve Summers:

CRCW office
The United Reformed Church
86 Tavistock Place,
London WC1H 9RT
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0207 916 8653
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CRCWteam

Useful resources

Reources you may find useful when applying to become a CRCW Project.

United Reformed Church