Church & Society
We work for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues, as part of the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT)
Six hopes for society
We pray and work for a society where the poorest and most marginalised are at the centre
Climate justice
We pray and work for a planet where our environment is renewed
Asylum and migration
We pray and work for a society that welcomes the stranger
We pray and work for a just economy that enables the flourishing of all life
Peace and conflict
We pray and work for a world that actively works for peace
We pray and work for politics to be characterised by listening, kindness and truthfulness
Get involved
Act on Poverty
Act on Poverty is a six-week small group course suitable for any time of the year.
The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has worked with Christian Aid, Church Action on Poverty, The Trussell Trust, and other partners to create resources which will help you and your church gain a deeper understanding of experiences of poverty, and enable you to act in the run up to the General Election.
- Guidance for a short Bible study
- Audio recordings of conversations featuring anti-poverty practitioners and activists, many with lived experience of poverty in the UK and worldwide
- Questions and prompts for small group discussion
- Inspiring videos from churches taking practical action on poverty
- A guide to simple steps your church can take to advocate for change
You can also use each pack as a standalone session to explore the issues most relevant for you.
God saw that it was good
Weaving stunning imagery with a narrative entwining science and faith around themes of coasts, sky, trees, and life, this free resource features beautiful videos and accompanying questions to help you broaden your understanding and appreciation of the world in which we live and share with other creatures.
The series will inspire action in an age when climate change is re-shaping the Earth.
Watch individually or with others in small or large groups. Explore deeper with discussion starters in the film handbook downloadable from the website.
More from JPIT
About JPIT
How we work ecumenically through the Joint Public Issues Team
Latest JPIT blogs
Read topical and informed reflections on issues in the news
Become a greener church
How to respond to the climate emergency and care for creation
Get a monthly update on our work, direct to your inbox
Contact us
Email us if you would like someone to speak on an issue at a meeting you are organising, or if you have stories to share
JPIT podcasts
Politics in the Pulpit
Politics in the Pulpit is a lively discussion linking justice, current affairs and the Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Available as a podcast or video
10 Minutes on…
10-minute episodes where the Joint Public Issues Team and others share their knowledge and passion on topical issues
Statements and reports produced by the URC on Church and Society issues
Although we mainly work on Church and Society issues ecumenically through JPIT, below you will find links to reports and statements the URC has produced over the years.
Church and Society resolutions at URC General Assembly
The Church and Society Resolutions (PDF | 461kb) document details what the United Reformed Church has thought or said since 1972 about various public policy and ethical issues
Environmental policy
Read the Environmental Policy for the United Reformed Church adopted by General Assembly 2022 to take effect from January 2023. Find out more about making your church greener
Ethical Investment policies
Ethical Investment Policy Statements (PDF | 154kb) 2010-2019 including the ethical investment principles adopted in 2010
End of Life issues
The Assisted Dying (PDF | 52kb) full report and resolution explores end of life issues, as considered by General Assembly in 2007. There is also a summary version (PDF | 147kb) which includes a study guide.
The …A Time to Die (PDF | 620kb) resource pack on end of life issues was produced in 2003.
Ministry in the margins of society
Read the report from our 2019 ‘In the Thick of it’ (PDF | 3mb) event, bringing together people across Britain who have experience of ministering ‘in the margins’.