Guidance for those who are considering becoming a Locally Recognised Worship Leader or an Assembly Accredited Lay Preacher in the URC
Ministry of Word & Sacraments
Advice and guidance for those exploring a calling to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments in the United Reformed Church
Church Related Community Worker
Find out about becoming a Church Related Community Worker in the URC and what support and assistance is available
Become an Elder
Read or download advice and guidance for those who have been asked to be an Elder in the United Reformed Church
Working with children & young people
Guides to help you find out more about the URC voluntary church roles supporting children and young people
General Assembly roles
If you’ve been asked to take a role at the URC General Assembly, these guides will help you find out more decide what's right for you
Church roles
Find out about all the different types of roles you can take in your local URC church and what each one involves
Safeguarding Coordinator
Guidance for those who have been asked to become the safeguarding coordinator, or deputy, in their local United Reformed Church
Children’s work volunteer
Guidance is for those who have been asked to consider becoming a children’s work volunteer in their local church
Children’s & youth work elder
Guidance and advice for people who have been asked to beome a Children's and Youth Work elder for the United Reformed Church