United Reformed Church

Home Safeguarding Safeguarding organisations

Safeguarding organisations

A list of safeguarding organisations providing information, help and support.

Action for Children

Action for Children (formerly NCH – National Children’s Homes) is a leading children’s charity running over 500 projects and working with children and young people affected by poverty, disability and abuse.

AFRUCA: Africans Unite Against Child Abuse

AFRUCA works in UK BME communities to protect and safeguard children from abuse and harm.

Age UK

Support and advice services for the elderly. The website has many useful resources including research studies and fact sheets as well as information on protecting yourself or others from abuse.
Telephone: 0800169 6565


Protecting, supporting and nurturing the UK’s most vulnerable children, including campaigning to end child sexual exploitation. Provides information for parents, children, young people and professionals, showing how to spot the signs of child sexual exploitation and how to keep safe.

Bullying UK

Bullying UK is part of Family Lives, a charity supporting and helping people with issues that are a part of family life.
Telephone: 0808 800 2222

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)

CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency, which helps to keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. It offers guidance, advice and accepts
direct reporting.


A free 24-hour support and counselling service for children and young people up to 19 years of age.
Freephone helpline for children: 0800 1111

Citizens Advice

Providing free general advice and guidance around a range of concerns such as benefits, debt, relationships, housing, law, discrimination, tax, money, healthcare and education.

Educate Against Hate

A government-run website giving practical advice and information on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation.

Family Lives (formerly Parentline Plus)

Resourcing parents, volunteers and workers providing a range of services including ‘Positive Boundaries’ which focusses on sexual bullying, peer-on-peer sexual exploitation and developing positive gender relationships.
Telephone: 0808 800 2222


Hourglass, formerly Action on Elder Abuse, is a specialist organisation that focuses on the issue of abuse towards the elderly.
Helpline: 0808 808 8141


Provides advice and support to Middle Eastern, North African and Afghan women and girls living in the UK, who have experienced, or are at risk of all forms of “honour” based abuse, including; forced marriage, child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM), or domestic abuse.
Telephone: 0207 920 6460

Kiran Support services

Providing help and support for Asian women and their children overcoming domestic abuse.
Telephone: 020 8558 1986


A human rights, feminist organisation run by and for Latin American migrant women living in the UK
Helpline: 0808 145 4909 (Monday to Friday from 11am to 1pm)

Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a UK-wide child protection charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse. Working with families that have been affected by sexual abuse and includes adult male and female sexual abusers, young people with inappropriate sexual behaviours, victims of abuse and other family members.

Local authorities

Every local authority provides services to the community, including statutory services such as Children’s Services, Adult Care Services, housing and environment.  Your local council will have a website with contact details for your local services.


Helping men escape domestic abuse.
Telephone: 01823 334244


Supporting and resourcing people with learning disabilities, their families and carers. The website has specific advice on safeguarding.


Supporting non-abusing parents of sexually abused children.
Telephone: 0800 980 1958

National Domestic Violence Helpline

The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
Freephone: 0808 2000 247

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

Telephone: 0800 999 5428


The NSPCC are a children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands, by helping children who have been abused, protecting those at risk, and preventing abuse.
Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Parents Protect

Helping parents and carers to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation.
Telephone: 0808 1000 900


Refuge is a national charity which provides a range of specialist domestic abuse services to women and children.
Telephone: 020 7395 7700
24-hour helpline: 0808 2000 247


Leading the development of safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims and young people using violence and abuse.
Helpline: 0808 802 4040

Respect: Men’s Advice Line

Run by Respect, Men’s Advice Line is a helpline phone and website service for male victims of domestic abuse.
Helpline: 0808 801 0327


Restored is an international Christian alliance, based in the UK, working to transform relationships and end violence against women.
Telephone: 0203 9063 930 (this is not a helpline)

Southall Black Sisters

A not-for-profit, secular and inclusive organisation meeting the needs of Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women by highlighting and challenging all forms gender-related violence against women, empower them to gain more control over their lives.
Telephone: 0208 571 9595


A crisis helpline, providing a listening service for any worries or concerns.
Telephone: 116 123


Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across Britain.

Stop It Now!

Stop It Now! is the Lucy Faithfull child sexual abuse prevention campaign and confidential helpline for any adult concerned about sexual abuse. Providing help, advice and support for people who are displaying or considering sexually harmful behaviour or for those concerned about another’s behaviour, either a child or adult.
Telephone: 0808 1000 900

The Hideout

Created by Women’s Aid, the Hideout is a dedicated website for children and young people to find information and support about relationship abuse and where to get help.

The Mix

Free information and support for under 25s in the UK.
Telephone: 0808 808 4994


An independent Christian charity providing help to individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. Previously known as CCPAS (Churches Child Protection Advisory Service).
Telephone: 0303 003 1111

Victim Support

The independent charity for victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales.
Support line: 0808 16 89 111

Women’s Aid

A grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services in England and build a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.

Young Minds

A UK charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
Telephone: 0808 802 5544

Organisations for safeguarding professionals

AVA (Against Violence & Abuse)

A national organisation for professionals – frontline workers, policy officers, those with strategic responsibilities providing training and consultancy on teenage relationship abuse, as well as all other forms of violence against women and girls.
Telephone: 0207 5490 280

CAADA – Coordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse

A national organisation providing practical help and support for professionals and organisations working with domestic abuse victims.
Telephone: 0117 317 8750

DDC (Due Diligence Checking Ltd)

DDC is the registered body that processes all DBS/PVG applications for the URC.
Tel: 0845 644 3298 or 0116 260 3055


United Reformed Church